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Top Skiing Holiday Tips

FirstAid4Sports Top Tips to Keep You Safe This Skiing Season

The skiing season is here and whether you are a seasoned pro or a novice check out our top tips for keeping safe on the slopes.

Before you go:

Take Lessons. The better your technique before you travel, the less chance there is of you sustaining an injury. Practice does make perfect after all. Get in shape. If you maintain a healthy weight and are in good health before you travel, this will stand you in good stead for your skiing trip. The lighter you are the less strain your knees will face and, if you do fall or get injured, you will have less weight impacting on them.

On Arrival

Get The Right Skis. It is important when hiring Skis that you know your exact body weight in kilograms and that you are open and honest about your skiing abilities. Skiers who use incorrect skis and bindings are up to eight times more likely to suffer an injury. Take The Lift being mindful and straying away from crowds will lessen the chance of an accident or injury occurring. You may be tired and feel weary; therefore, it is best to avoid putting yourself in unnecessary danger by taking the lift at the end of the day. This way you will avoid crowded icy pistes and return safely. Take A Rest Day. Muscle fatigue and tiredness can also contribute to injuries and falls. The most common day that accidents occur on skiing holidays is the third day. It is believed that is down to the fact muscle fatigue reaches its peak 48 hours after your holiday begins. Be sure to take a rest day and enjoy your surroundings, this can be just as fun.

During Your Stay

Keep Within Your Comfort Zone. Just because you’re on your fourth or fifth day of your holiday does not make you an expert. Always be aware and in control of your actions, over confidence and ice doesn’t mix well. Don’t Drink at Lunch Time. Having too much alcohol in your system may cause you to lower your inhibitions and become reckless. Drinking whilst skiing can be a recipe for disaster. Ski off Peak. The quieter the slopes are the less chance there is of collisions occurring and having to suddenly avert danger. Seek Medical Advice Immediately After Injury. If an injury occurs contact the resort clinic as soon as possible. If you have damaged your knee or it is swollen, do not ski. The resort’s medical staff will be highly trained in dealing with knee problems and they will advise you to rest, put ice on it and take anti inflammatory until the swelling subsides.

Returning Home

Get Checked Over if you are still encountering pain after a sprain or injury, go to your local GP and get checked over. Knees tend to be the prime area of injury so be sure to seek medical advice if you are still in pain or not moving freely. For Next Time If you have had an unfortunate knee twist or strain, you may want to think about using a brace the next time you ski. This would mainly benefit skiers who have suffered an old or partially healed ligament injury or who have arthritis. For a full range of braces, supports and first aid supplies, click here.