T4 Syndrome
What is T4 Syndrome?
T4 syndrome occurs when the T4 vertebrate in the spine is damaged and causes pain in the arm. The vertebrae bones which make up the spine are named T1 to T12 from top to bottom. Between each of these vertebrae lie the facet joints and discs which help support the weight and control the movement between the individual vertebrae. When either of these joints become damaged or injured, damage in turn can be inflicted on the nerves which surround the joints. The most common area for this injury lies in the T4 vertebrate due to the nature of its position whilst performing certain movements. When the nerves become damaged and the patient experiences arm pain as a result this is known as T4 Syndrome.Causes
- Excessive bending, lifting and twisting
- Overuse injury
- Poor posture
- Arm pain and nerve symptoms i.e. pins and needles, numbness
- Sudden or gradual onset of pain in the back and neck
- Pain when resuming activity
- Weakness, aching and stiffness in the area
- Pain may be felt in the chest, rib cage or shoulder blade
- RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
- Physiotherapy
- Posture evaluation
- Postural back brace