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Blog Guides Stay safe this winter

Stay safe this winter

Temperatures dropping, poor weather conditions, icy roads and the general lack of preparation we seem to have in this country – yes winter can be a tricky time of year with injuries probable. We’ve come up with some top tips for staying safe this winter.

Keep warm

Obviously with winter comes the cold temperatures. As well as extreme conditions like hypothermia and frostbite, generally your body uses up more energy to keep you warm in winter which can leave you feeling run-down and drowsy. Wearing more layers of clothing, being more mobile, eating well and simply staying indoors when the weather is particularly bad can help keep you warm this winter.

Slips & falls

Snowy and icy pavements are one of the most common causes of injury in the winter and can cause anything from a simple bruise or graze to a break, fracture or head injury. To prevent this try to avoid routes which haven’t been cleared or gritted and wear footwear with plenty of grip.


Cycling in the winter months can be very dangerous due to reduced hours of sunlight and icy roads. Cyclists are not only at risk of falls and collisions but also not being seen by other cars, cyclists and pedestrians. Always ensure you plan your route and stay in well lit areas as well as wearing sufficient safety equipment and reflective clothing.  Click here to view our full guide to cycling in the winter months.


Again due to the icy and snowy conditions, driving can be very hazardous during winter with a greater number of accidents reported during this period. To prevent your chances of being involved in a nasty accident try to only drive when it is absolutely necessary when conditions are bad and ensure that if you do need to travel you plan your route and keep an eye on the weather reports. You should also ensure your vehicle is prepared for the winter conditions by having your tyres and windscreen wipers checked and stocked up with anti-freeze.

Burns & Scalds

Believe it or not due to the increase in warm hot choccies by the fire and hot water bottles to keep us snug in the cold, burns and scalds are actually more common in the winter months. Ensure you take care when pouring drinks, keep hot water bottle lids tightly screwed on and make sure you have sufficient burns first aid equipment in the house just in case.