Broken Metatarsal
What Is A Broken Metatarsal?
A broken metatarsal is a broken bone in the foot. The metatarsal bones are the group of five long bones in the mid/front of the foot which connect to the toes. These are numbered first – fifth metatarsal starting with the big toe. A metatarsal stress fracture comes as a result of a sudden force to the bones which can be common in contact sports such as rugby and hockey, or more commonly these can be as a result of overuse which is often seen in athletes and runners.Causes
- Overuse injury
- Overpronation
- Insufficient rest period
- Building pain and tenderness in the mid/front of the foot
- Swelling
- Bruising
- RICE method
- Removable/plaster cast
- Using a brace or support
- Rehabilitation exercise
- Surgery required in rare cases