A Guide To Hamstring Injuries
Some parts of the body are more prone to injury than others, unfortunately one of those is the hamstring. Just like every type of injury to tissue in the body the more pressure it’s under the more likely there will be damage.
The hamstring muscles are located on the back of your upper leg and attach the lower part of your pelvis down to the back of your knee with the main function of flexing your knee and extending your hip.
A hamstring injury is a strain or tear to the tendons or large muscles on the back of your upper leg and there are three grades of hamstring injury:
The hamstring tendon is soft tissue which connects the hamstring muscle to the outer aspect of the knee.
You can read our full guide on hamstring tendonitis.

- Grade 1 – A mild muscle strain or pull
- Grade 2 – A partial muscle tear
- Grade 3 – A complete muscle tear
- Sudden large force or pressure to the hamstring
- Overuse injury common in running and jumping activities
- Excessive speed changing whilst running
- Insufficient warm up exercise
- Poor core strength
- Sudden sharp pain or pulling sensation at back of the thigh at point of injury
- For minor strains pain may be more noticeable at cool down
- Aching and stiffness
- Swelling and inflammation
- RICE method
- Taping and strapping techniques
- Physiotherapy
- Anti-inflammatory medication

- Overuse injury common in running and jumping activities
- Excessive speed changing whilst running
- Insufficient warm up exercise
- Poor core strength
- Pain at the back of the knee and thigh which increases over time
- Pain when resuming activity
- Swelling and inflammation
- Aching and stiffness after activity
- RICE method
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- Taping and strapping techniques
- Physiotherapy
- Steroid injection