For more than 30 years, medical professionals worldwide have trusted Aircast® for technological breakthroughs in patient care. Rooted in scientific methods, each Aircast product is developed using the concept of “functional management.” Aircast set a new standard of care for sprains and other injuries with patented technology and the use of graduated pneumatic compression.

Controlled cold compression provides immediate relief and support for knee injuries

Controlled cold compression provides immediate relief and support for ankle injuries

Automated cold therapy compression vastly improves injury treatment and recovery time

Specifically designed to treat Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and heel pain

Controlled cold compression provides immediate relief and support for shoulder injuries

Provides maximum coverage of the lower leg for highly effective cryotherapy treatment

Controlled cold compression provides immediate relief and support for back injuries

A replacement tube for the Aircast Cryo Cuff Cooler

Controlled cold compression provides immediate relief and support for elbow injuries

Controlled cold compression provides immediate relief and support for wrist injuries

Controlled cold compression provides immediate relief and support for thigh injuries

Gravity cooler provides instant and targeted cold compression for effective cryotherapy

Replacement silver insulating Disk for the Aircast Cryo Cuff Cooler

Integrated pneumatic pump within the lid provides a cycle of automated compression

Provides a 45 second on / 30 second off cycle of automated compression and cold therapy

Protects ankles from sprains caused by fast or frequent side-to-side movements

Adjustable arch Aircell for individual support and comfort for maximum injury relief

Engineered to provide the ultimate in protection, comfort, and edema (swelling) control

Durable, semi-rigid design supports the limb while providing full-shell protection

Professional’s choice to improve recovery from severe injury in the lower leg

Cited in over 100 medical journals for its superior performance healing ankle injuries

Easy fit with adjustable straps allow close and comfortable support for left or right