Defibrillator Accessories & Consumables

This complete maintenance kit allows you to introduce simple defibrillator checks ensure your life saving equipment is in optimal condition

This Maintenance Record Book keeps you compliant and provides the perfect solution for recording your regular AED checks

These simple, write-on inspection tags provide you with a quick and easy solution to record your defibrillator maintenance checks

Face shields and masks to aid in giving safe, hygienic and effective resuscitation

Features a realistic head tilt, simulated chest rise, and palpable anatomical landmarks

Strong stainless steel scissors can cut through several layers of fabric including denim

Adult pads suitable for use with the Powerheart G5 Auto-External Defibrillator

Replacement battery for the Powerheart G5 Auto-External Defibrillator

Full-colour LCD display includes clear instructions to aid in proper pad placement

Replacement battery pack to fit Mediana A15 HeartOn Defibrillators

Adult and Pediatric pads suitable for use with the Medina A15 Defibrillator

For use with the Mediana A15 Heart On AED – Essential for reviewing stored data

For use with the Mediana A16 HeartOn Automatic AED and Semi-Automatic AED

For use with the Mediana A16 defibrillator range - check batteries and pads regularly

For cleaning wounds prior to dressing - essential within sports first aid kits

Durable, water-resistant carry case provides a neat storage container for your essential AED supplies

Ideal storage perfect for housing AED Defibrillators like the I-PAD SP1 Automatic AED